Penanda Aras Antarabangsa

Open Data Inventory (ODIN): Penilaian Kendiri 2024/25

Kemaskini terakhir: 12 Ogo 2024, 18:15


Skor Keseluruhan


daripada 100

Skor Liputan


daripada 100

Skor Keterbukaan


daripada 100

Statistik Sosial: Population and Vital Statistics

Skor Keseluruhan


daripada 100

Skor Liputan


daripada 50

Skor Keterbukaan


daripada 50

Liputan (50/50)Indikator & Pecahan10Population data is published by sex and 5-year age groups; live births and deaths are both published by sex.
5 Tahun Lepas10All datasets have complete data on a annual basis for each of the last five years (2019-2023).
10 Tahun Lepas10All datasets have complete data on a annual basis for each of the last ten years (2014-2023).
Data Peringkat Negeri10All datasets are available at the state level for the same time range as national data.
Data Peringkat Daerah10All datasets are available at district level, with data from 2020-2022 or 2020-2023.
Keterbukaan (50/50)Boleh Dibaca Mesin10All data are provided in CSV and Parquet format, both of which are machine readable.
Format Bukan Milik10All data provided in CSV and Parquet format, both of which are non-proprietary (note: Apache Parquet is an open-sourced file format).
Metadata Rujukan10All datasets have detailed metadata, including definitions (with links to further details), dates of last update and next update, and source agency.
Pilihan Muat Turun10All data can be accessed programatically (via API, and a permanent URL), with bulk download options also available.
Lesen Data Terbuka10A Creative Commons BY 4.0 license is explicitly applied to all datasets.

Statistik Ekonomi & Kewangan: Indeks Harga

Skor Keseluruhan


daripada 90

Skor Liputan


daripada 40

Skor Keterbukaan


daripada 50

Liputan (35/40)Indikator & Pecahan10Both CPI and PPI are published on a monthly basis.
5 Tahun Lepas10Both CPI and PPI have complete data on a monthly basis for each of the last five years (2019-2023).
10 Tahun Lepas10Both CPI and PPI have complete data on a monthly basis for each of the last ten years (2014-2023).
Data Peringkat Negeri5CPI data is available at state level, but PPI is not.
Data Peringkat DaerahNot applicable for this indicator, per the ODIN methodology.
Keterbukaan (50/50)Boleh Dibaca Mesin10All data are provided in CSV and Parquet format, both of which are machine readable.
Format Bukan Milik10All data provided in CSV and Parquet format, both of which are non-proprietary (note: Apache Parquet is an open-sourced file format).
Metadata Rujukan10All datasets have detailed metadata, including definitions (with links to further details), dates of last update and next update, and source agency.
Pilihan Muat Turun10All data can be accessed programatically (via API, and a permanent URL), with bulk download options also available.
Lesen Data Terbuka10A Creative Commons BY 4.0 license is explicitly applied to all datasets.

Statistik Ekonomi & Kewangan: Wang & Perbankan

Skor Keseluruhan


daripada 80

Skor Liputan


daripada 30

Skor Keterbukaan


daripada 50

Liputan (30/30)Indikator & Pecahan10All indicators are presented with at least one categorical disaggregation each. The criteria of at least two interest rates for each year is fulfilled.
5 Tahun Lepas10All indicators have complete data for each of the last 5 years.
10 Tahun Lepas10All indicators have complete data for each of the last 10 years.
Data Peringkat NegeriNot applicable for this indicator, per the ODIN methodology.
Data Peringkat DaerahNot applicable for this indicator, per the ODIN methodology.
Keterbukaan (50/50)Boleh Dibaca Mesin10All data are provided in CSV and Parquet format, both of which are machine readable.
Format Bukan Milik10All data provided in CSV and Parquet format, both of which are non-proprietary (note: Apache Parquet is an open-sourced file format).
Metadata Rujukan10All datasets have detailed metadata, including definitions (with links to further details), dates of last update and next update, and source agency.
Pilihan Muat Turun10All data can be accessed programatically (via API, and a permanent URL), with bulk download options also available.
Lesen Data Terbuka10A Creative Commons BY 4.0 license is explicitly applied to all datasets.
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