Producer price index (PPI) by MSIC group (3 digit). The table provides a preview of the full dataset using the latest month of data only.
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The Producer Price Index (PPI) measures the level of prices received by the producer at the first stage of commercialisation (also known as the ex-factory price), relative to a base year (2010 = 100). Ex-factory prices exclude indirect taxes and any transport charges invoiced separately by the producer, unless the transport charges are too difficult to segregate (usually because the firm utilises their own transport facilities rather than hiring transport services). For a deeper understanding of the PPI compilation methodology and related concepts, please refer to the Technical Notes.
Data for the most recent 3 months may be revised in subsequent releases.
Producer Price Index, Jan 2025, the latest edition of the monthly producer price statistics published by DOSM. OpenDOSM also features a dashboard on producer prices where you can explore this data in a more interactive manner.
Producer price index (PPI) by MSIC group (3 digit). The table provides a preview of the full dataset using the latest month of data only.
Name in Dataset | Variable | Definition |
series (String) | Series Type | Series type, either absolute values ('abs'), year-on-year growth ('growth_yoy') or month-on-month growth ('growth_mom') |
date (Date) | Date | The date in YYYY-MM-DD format, with DD set to 01 as the data is at monthly frequency |
group (String) | Group | 3-digit code, to be matched using the 'group' column in the MSIC Lookup. The MSIC lookup table will give you the English and Malay definitions. |
index (Float) | Index | Level of producer prices, expressed as an index with base 2010 = 100 |
27 Feb 2025, 12:00
27 Mar 2025, 12:00
This data is made open under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). A copy of the license is available Here.
Full Dataset (CSV)
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Full Dataset (Parquet)
Recommended for data scientists seeking to work with data via code.
Connect directly to the data with Python.
# If not already installed, do: pip install pandas fastparquet
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_parquet(URL_DATA)
if 'date' in df.columns: df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'])
This data catalog is not available through OpenAPI as the nature of the data makes it unsuitable for API access. For the full dataset, please use the provided download link as shown in the above section.
Department of Statistics Malaysia
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