Total fertility rate (TFR) and age-specific fertility rates (ASFR) by state.
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An age-specific fertility rate (ASFR) is the average number of births per 1,000 women in a specific age group. The ASFRs shown in this dataset are computed from administrative records of births registered with JPN (which record the age of the mother), as well as population data from DOSM as the denominator.
The total fertility rate (TFR) is the average number of children born to a woman who goes through her child-bearing years experiencing the ASFR of each age group. It is computed by:
ASFR values are based on the actual number of live births per 1000 women in each 5-year age group. However, when interpreting TFR values, it is important to note that the TFR is based on a hypothetical woman who goes through her child-bearing years experiencing the ASFR of each age group. This is not equivalent to the actual average number of children born to currently-living female citizens aged 15-49, as this number would be a reflection of past rather than current ASFR values.
OpenDOSM features a dashboard on Population & Vital Statistics where you can explore this data in a more interactive manner!
Total fertility rate (TFR) and age-specific fertility rates (ASFR) by state.
Name in Dataset | Variable | Definition |
state (Categorical) | State | One of 16 states |
date (Date) | Date | The year of the recorded fertility rate in YYYY-MM-DD format, with MM-DD set to 01-01 as the data is at annual frequency. |
age_group (Categorical) | Age Group | 5-year age group for fertility rates (15-19, 20-24,...,45-49), or the Total Fertility Rate ('tfr'). |
fertility_rate (Float) | Fertility Rate | Fertility rate for the specific age group (ASFRs) or the total fertility rate (TFR). ASFR values are the number of live births per 1000 women in the age group, whereas TFR values are the average number of children born to a woman who goes through her child-bearing years experiencing the ASFR of each age group. |
17 Oct 2024, 12:00
01 Nov 2025, 12:00
This data is made open under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). A copy of the license is available Here.
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Recommended for data scientists seeking to work with data via code.
Connect directly to the data with Python.
# If not already installed, do: pip install pandas fastparquet
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_parquet(URL_DATA)
if 'date' in df.columns: df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'])
The following code is an example of how to make an API query to retrieve the data catalogue mentioned above. You can use different programming languages by switching the code accordingly. For a complete guide on possible query parameters and syntax, please refer to the official Open API Documentation.
import requests
import pprint
url = ""
response_json = requests.get(url=url).json()
Department of Statistics Malaysia
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